April 7, 2017

April 2017 APAC News Vol. 10, No. 1

CTBA Report Shows How State is Harming Higher Ed, Economy

By William S. Bike

BETWEEN 2000 and 2015, Illinois cut nearly $1.4 billion from General Fund appropriations to higher education—even before the ongoing budget crisis, which has cost Illinois colleges and universities over a billion additional dollars. That is one finding from Illinois’ Significant Disinvestment in Higher Education, a recent report released by the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability (CTBA).

“INVESTING IN higher education has always been important,” said Ralph Martire, executive director of CTBA. “But in today’s economy, the strong correlations between post-secondary education and economic viability make it more important than ever.”
THE STUDY details the drastic cuts to higher education in Illinois both during the current budget crisis, with General Fund appropriations falling from $1.95 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2015 to $755 million in FY2016 and $843 million in FY2017, as well as over the longer term.
“BETWEEN 2008 and 2015, Illinois cut per-student higher education funding by 54 percent—more than every state but Arizona,” said Danielle Stanley, CTBA research associate.
THE REPORT also describes how each dollar of funding cuts to institutions of Higher Education results in $2.29 lost to the State economy, as fewer students, and reduced worker wages, mean less economic activity generated by, for example, purchases at local stores.

IN SECTION One, “Supporting Higher Education Makes Economic Sense,” the report notes that the only workers in “Illinois specifically who have seen their incomes grow at a rate greater than inflation…are those with a college degree. It is no wonder, then, that between 1979 and 2012, those states that realized the greatest increases in productivity also had the largest share of adults with a college degree.”

SECTION TWO, “Illinois’ General Fund Investment in Higher Education Has Been Declining Since FY 2000,” features a chart that shows how Springfield since 2008 has under-funded the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s requests for dollars needed to support the State’s Universities and Colleges:

Chart that shows how Springfield since 2008 has under-funded the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s requests for dollars needed to support the State’s Universities and Colleges.
Chart courtesy Center for Tax and Budget Accountability.
THE REPORT notes that adjusted for inflation, FY 2015 State support for higher education was down $1.39 billion, or 41 percent, from FY 2000 levels. “That sustained disinvestment in higher education is difficult to justify from either a good government or economic policy standpoint,” the report states.

THE CUTS for higher education in FY 2016 were “truly unprecedented,” according to the report’s Section Three, “Higher Education Funding Suffers Historic Year-to-Year Cut in FY 2016.” Higher education in Illinois experienced a “cut of some $1.323 billion or 67.8 percent from FY 2015 levels,” the report states.

“PROVIDING FURTHER evidence of the State’s self-imposed race to the bottom in higher education funding, Illinois now holds the undesirable position of being one of only nine states that has cut per-student higher education funding by at least 30 percent since the start of the Great Recession,” the report added.

SECTION FOUR, “FY 2017 Funding for Higher Education Remains Significantly Below FY 2015 Levels,” shows that FY 2017 funding remains $1.24 billion, or 63 percent less, than in FY 2015. Of the State’s universities and colleges, the University of Illinois suffered the largest cut in total dollars: $298 million—a 46 percent decrease compared to FY 2015.

“ILLINOIS HAS cut per-student higher education funding by a greater percentage than any of the other 15 largest states in America, except for Arizona,” the report states.

“CONSEQUENCES OF Illinois’ Disinvestment in Higher Education,” Section Five, counts among those consequences higher tuition costs, reductions in MAP grant funding, and increased debt for State colleges and universities. Another consequence is reduced enrollment for many State universities, although UIC’s enrollment actually increased by one percent between 2015 and 2016.

“RACIAL DISPARITIES Reinforced by Higher-Education Funding Cuts,” Section Six, points out that when MAP grants are reduced, as Illinois has done, “students of color tend to get hit the hardest because they rely more heavily on MAP grants than do their more affluent and predominantly white counterparts.

“ONE WOULD hope the Governor and General Assembly in Springfield would go the extra mile to help traditionally disadvantaged young adults who want to improve their lives and afford college,” the report states. “Unfortunately, just the opposite is occurring in Illinois.”

THE LAST section, “Higher Education Cuts Hurt the Economy, talks about the economic multiplier effect. When funding for public universities and colleges holds steady or increases, those institutions hire new employees and enroll more students who “then engage in economic transactions in the local community—like renting apartments, buying clothes, or getting their car repaired, that otherwise would not occur,” the report states.

“THEN THOSE businesses that sold the clothing or fixed the car, in turn spend the money received from the student or professor in question, generating more economic activity. In this manner, one person’s spending becomes another’s income, which is in turn spent on other purchases in the local economy,” the report notes.

THE CENTER for Tax and Budget Accountability describes itself as a bipartisan, nonprofit research, and advocacy think tank that works across ideological lines to promote social and economic justice for everyone. For more information, go to www.ctbaonline.org.


Election Petition image
APAC HAS three-to-four seats up for election, and Academic Professionals are invited to apply to fill them. Completed petitions must be received by noon on Friday, April 28, 2017.

APAC is composed of 15-to18 representatives, elected for staggered three-year terms so that approximately one-third of the membership is elected each year. APAC represents all Academic Professionals (APs) at UIC. APs who are permanent or visiting and appointed at least 50% time comprise the electorate and are eligible to vote, and to be candidates for election. This year’s election is for the 2017-2020 term.

THOSE WHO serve on APAC do so in addition to their regular UIC duties. Members are expected to attend monthly meetings and serve on at least one standing or ad-hoc subcommittee.

IN ADDITION, one AP University Senate seat is up this year, also for a three-year term.

FOR MORE information on how to apply, contact Ahlam Al-Kodmany at (312) 996-7458 or ryyan@uic.edu

Nominate for a CAPE Award

THE CHANCELLOR’S Academic Professional Excellence Award (CAPE), established in 1988, recognizes the demonstrated excellence of Academic Professional staff, encourages their professional development, and affirms UIC’s regard for the contributions of this key segment of the academic community. This year, six academic professionals will receive the CAPE Award. The award provides a $1,000 permanent increase to the individual's salary, along with a $2,000 one-time cash award.
TO NOMINATE a deserving Academic Professional for the CAPE Award, log on to http://apac.org.uic.edu/resources/awards-and-recognition-programs/cape/2016capedocuments. Or contact Ahlam Al-Kodmany at (312) 996-7458 or ryyan@uic.edu

APAC Meetings Scheduled

APAC Meeting image
ALL APs are invited to the monthly APAC meeting at 12:30 p.m. on scheduled dates. Meetings alternate between East and West campuses with dates and times posted in advance on the APAC website. Click here for meeting schedule. Next meeting is Wednesday, April 12, in UH 2750. Chancellor Michael Amiridis will visit with the APAC membership. The meeting after that is Wednesday, May 10, also in UH 2750. Arlene Norsym will speak and discuss the State Universities Annuitants Association. For information, call (312) 413-9299.

Learn to Meditate

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MEDITATION: GOING inward for better health, an APAC workshop, will be held Tuesday, May 2, from noon to 1 p.m., School of Public Health-Psychiatric Institute Gym, Room 160, 1603 W. Taylor St.  Speaker will be Amparo Castillo, MD, PhD, MS, Interim Director, Midwest Latino Health Research, Training, and Policy Center; Research Specialist, UIC Jane Addams College of Social Work; and  Co-Director, Recruitment, Retention, and Community Engagement Program, UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences.

THE WORKSHOP will be held under the auspices of the APAC Professional Development Committee: Julie Kong, Kim Mayfield, and Tracy Sikorski.


Jennifer Pietka image
Jennifer Pietka, Assistant Dean for Administration in the Dean’s Office
in the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs.
Jennifer Pietka Makes Positive Contribution to AP Community

JENNIFER PIETKA, Assistant Dean for Administration in the Dean’s Office in the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, serves the Academic Professional community in her role as an APAC board member.

“I STARTED attending APAC meetings in 2015, and officially became an APAC member last year,” she said. “I decided to start serving on APAC because I wanted to make a positive contribution the Academic Professional community. I was attending the meetings regularly, and found them to be interesting.”

SHE NOTED that she “felt that serving on APAC would provide me the opportunity to make a difference both for Academic Professionals and the University.”

IN HER role as Assistant Dean, she oversees “the Human Resources operations of the College, as well as other administrative duties,” she said. “In January of this year, I celebrated my 22nd anniversary at UIC.”

WHEN NOT working, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Vincent San Filippo, and family. “I have two step-daughters who live with my husband and me 50% of the time. I also have four fur babies—three dogs, Audrey, Jensen, and Limbo, and one cat, Phat, who thinks he’s a dog.”

IN HER spare time, “besides spending time with my family and friends, I enjoy exercising—walking, hiking, yoga, and strength training—traveling, gardening, and projects around the house,” she said.


Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change image
Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change Provide Services
UIC OFFERS a variety of Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change that provide services for staff, faculty and students. See go.uic.edu/ccusc.

THE AFRICAN American Cultural Center showcases cultural research, art exhibits, programming, and community outreach. 209 Addams Hall, (312) 996-9549, aacc.uic.edu.

THE ARAB American Cultural Center promotes the social well-being of Arab American staff, faculty, and students. (312) 996-5040, http://arabamcc.uic.edu/

THE ASIAN American Resource and Cultural Center offers social, cultural, and educational programs and mentoring. 101 Taft Hall, (312) 413-9569, http://aarcc.uic.edu/.

THE DISABILITY Resource Center offers activities, services, and resources for those with disabilities. 1190 Student Services Building, voice phone (312) 413-2183, video phone (773) 649-4535, http://drc.uic.edu/.

THE GENDER and Sexuality Center is one of the reasons UIC is among the nation’s top 50 campuses for the LGBTQ community. The center provides education, research, and outreach on issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. There also is consultation available for employees. 1180 Behavioral Sciences Building, (312) 413-8619, genderandsexuality.uic.edu.

THE RAFAEL Cintron Ortiz Latino Cultural Center promotes educational, cultural, and social programs. There is an annual film festival and weekly events that range from poetry to dancing. Lecture Center B2, (312) 996-3095, latinocultural.uic.edu.

THE WOMEN’S Leadership and Resource Center offers space for women to host small meetings. Staff assist with topics such as sexual harassment and gender issues on campus. The center sponsors an annual women’s leadership program. 1101 West Taylor Street, Suite 310, Chicago, 60607, (312) 413-1025, wlrc.uic.edu.


Budget Impasse image
Editor’s Note: “The Continuing Crisis” is a section of APAC News, which links to news pertinent to the State budget crisis and other financial matters as they affect the University and Academic Professionals. These news outlets are not affiliated with or endorsed by APAC.
RAUNER JOB approval rating hits all-time low, DemocraticGovernors.org, March 15, 2017, https://democraticgovernors.org/new-poll-rauner-hits-all-time-low/.
UIC LEADERS detail impact of budget impasse, UIC News, Feb. 14, 2017, https://news.uic.edu/uic-leaders-detail-impact-of-budget-impasse.

Vol. 10, No. 1 April 2017

APAC News is published by the Academic Professional Advisory Committee of the University of Illinois at Chicago.
ISSN 1946-1860
Editor: William S. Bike
Staff: Susan S. Stevens
Chair: Colleen Piersen
Vice Chair: Ahlam Al-Kodmany
Secretary: Mary Berta
Treasurer: Kimberly Mayfield
Web Chair: Jeff Alcantar