October 25, 2011


APAC member Lee Jackson.

Lee Jackson Pushes for Fairness in Civil Service, SURS Changes

LEE JACKSON has worked as a Program and Policy Analyst for the Department of Pediatrics for almost three years. He likes the everyday rigors and challenges he faces there.

“I AM most productive when there are deadlines to meet or high-priority projects to complete, and there is no shortage of either in my position,” he said. “I really like the sense of accomplishment that comes from meeting challenges and removing obstacles that come up in day-to-day work.”

JACKSON BECAME involved with APAC about six months ago because he heard about the critical issues looming for APs, namely Civil Service conversion and possible State Universities Retirement System (SURS) pension changes. He felt that APs had not been given enough of a voice on these issues and wanted to get involved and become “part of the effort to promote awareness and fairness on these and other issues for APs,” he said.

JACKSON WOULD like to see APAC achieve some of its primary objectives regarding the Civil Service audits, such as protecting AP seniority and “assisting in ensuring that positions that are true AP positions remain that way,” he said. Jackson is proud of the fact that APAC has worked tirelessly to protect employee pensions. “APAC has shown itself to be an organization of action, just as I had hoped for,” he said.

IN HIS free time, he plays the bass guitar in a cover band, follows politics, practices martial arts, and enjoys spending time with friends and family. Jackson and his wife, Emilie, have an 11-month-old daughter named Hazel.

JACKSON IS looking forward to continuing to create awareness of important issues and affect positive change for APs at UIC through APAC. Get to know Jackson a bit more at the next APAC meeting Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 12:30 p.m. in Room 2150 of University Hall on the East Campus.

--Ivone De Jesus

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