November 19, 2013
Listervs Provide Variety of Information
A WIDE range of UIC listservs are available
( for anyone interested in job openings,
events, and general news about the campus, and much more information. Anyone
affiliated with the University who has a NetID can subscribe. This includes
staff, faculty, and students.
HUNDREDS OF lists are available; some are very
active, others less so. Even for active lists, there are usually only two or
three posts a week, so they usually won’t flood one’s email inbox. Anyone can
start a list. Most are “opt in,” meaning one goes out to the listserv website
to subscribe. Many of the lists also include a footer in each posting, which
has links to subscribe or unsubscribe. Many people sign up for lists when
someone forwards them an email and suggests they sign up.
“WE’VE HAD about 3,500 subscribers consistently
over the past several years for the listserv PACADEMY,” said Michael Moss, associate director of
budget operations and financial analysis for UIC. “It’s a free, easy way to
reach a broad range of people on campus with news, events and other items of
interest. It’s also easy to use. Messages are usually posted within 24 hours.”
MOST LISTS focus on a specific group. For
example, PACADEMY targets Academic Professionals while FACULTY_VOICE targets
faculty. Lists provide updates, news, and information that targets subscriber’s
interests and concerns. Most are moderated, so messages must be approved by the
list owner before they are posted, which helps eliminate junk mail.
“I’VE HELPED moderate PACADEMY, the Academic
Professional list, for several years,” Moss said. “I’ve been happy to see it
evolve into one of the campus’ primary job boards; we usually see two or three
job postings each week. Many departments take advantage of the free publicity
that targets internal staff who may be interested in taking the next step in
their careers. PACADEMY also includes updates on campus events as well as news
stories we think employees might value.”
TO ACCESS a specific list on the main website,
simply click on the name of the list in the table. To find confidential or
unlisted lists, type the list name in the search box to the right. For lists
that have been configured with an HTML description, one can get more
information by holding the mouse over the list name.
THE FOLLOWING information is about three of the many
listservs at UIC.
Disabilities Issues
THE CHANCELLOR’S Committee on the Status of Persons
with Disabilities (CCSPD) maintains a listserv for the UIC community interested
in disability issues. This list (CCSPD-EXT) is set up for discussion of
disability topics and is open to anyone on campus who wishes to be included. Dr. Carol J. Gill, associate professor,
UIC Department of Disability & Human Development, Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Disability Studies, oversees the listserv.
CCSPD-EXT POSTINGS include announcements of disability
cultural events and academic presentations, reminders regarding CCSPD meeting
dates and other CCSPD-sponsored events and projects, as well as information
regarding access, inclusion, and other disability issues. The listserv provides
information that helps advance the status of people with disabilities on campus
and beyond. It includes about five postings per week.
DR. GILL said the listserv serves an important purpose. “People with disabilities compose a very large but under-represented community,” she noted. “Our committee communicates information about disability issues, disability rights, inclusion and access, campus disability resources, and disability pride and culture. Subscribing to the list helps one keep up to date on issues and resources that advance understanding of the disability experience.”
DR. GILL said the listserv serves an important purpose. “People with disabilities compose a very large but under-represented community,” she noted. “Our committee communicates information about disability issues, disability rights, inclusion and access, campus disability resources, and disability pride and culture. Subscribing to the list helps one keep up to date on issues and resources that advance understanding of the disability experience.”
UIC IS a nationally recognized leader in disability research and academic programs, she added. The University currently offers the first Ph.D. in Disability Studies in the country, which examines the social and political dynamics of disability. Disability also is a focus of scholarship across campus, engaging faculty and student researchers.
Sustainability Listserv
DR. CYNTHIA Klein-Banai, associate chancellor for
sustainability at UIC, oversees the Greenlights listserv, which helps faculty,
staff, and students keep up with the latest green initiatives at UIC. By using
this service, people can stay abreast of environmental, social, and economic
happenings, and learn about internships, scholarships, and jobs. Greenlights is
distributed once every two weeks, and once a month during summer. The list is
you need equipment for recycling, a pick-up, or have a question on recycling,”
Klein-Banai says. “Post to
to ask a non-recycling-related question or make a suggestion. To subscribe to the Green UIC listserve that enables
discussion go to”
“WE ALSO have an EcoReps listserv. EcoReps are
departmental liaisons who are designated by their department head to
communicate sustainability-related events, opportunities and programs back to
their units. More information is available at:
There is also a discussion list for its members.”
Dr. Philip
Patston, of the executive committee of the UIC Senate, and
associate professor of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences in the College of
Dentistry, oversees,
which allows the UIC Senate to share items of interest with faculty. It
includes reports of important Senate or faculty events and meetings; summaries
of news items and announcements of meetings, and events of interest to faculty.
The list is moderated, so only postings of legitimate importance are accepted.
It receives one orf two postings per week.
UIC Senate
primarily focuses on academic programs such as reviewing courses, admissions
policies, requirements for degrees, and the academic calendar. It has no
involvement with salary negotiation or employment issues. “There is a
difference in what we [faculty Senators] are empowered to do and what a union
would do,” Dr. Patston said. “The Senate doesn’t have decision or negotiation
power regarding employment issues, but since it has a wide membership of
faculty from all of UIC, of students and academic professionals, it has
considerable expertise as an oversight and consultative body.” Despite some
limitations, Dr. Patston said, the Senate “has been the only voice through
which faculty could raise issues of concern, and there are AP Senators who
raise issues as well. We point people in the right direction.”
Fall Forum A Success
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President Robert Easter speaking at the Fall Forum.
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A good-sized crowd attended the Fall Forum. |
UNITED, the UIC chapter of SUAA, the State Universities Annuitants Association,
along with APAC, presented a Fall Forum, Illinois Politics and the Public
University, Oct. 14. The
panel featured Robert Easter, President, University of Illinois; Christopher
Mooney, Director, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of
Illinois; and Dick Simpson, Professor
of Political Science, UIC. The moderator was Mitchell Vogel, Trustee,
State Universities Retirement System (SURS). For a video of the Fall Forum, see
IGPA Fiscal Futures Project
THE UNIVERSITY’S Institute of Government and Public
Affairs (IGPA) on October 28A presented the Fiscal Futures Project at
the IGPA State Summit 2013: Illinois' Fiscal Cliff.
AS PART of this presentation, the Fiscal
Futures Project released a new analysis focusing on the 2011 income tax
increases, their 2015 sunset, and the state's long-term fiscal health.
YOU CAN access these papers (PDFs) at the
links below:
APAC to Host Seminar on Persuasion
seminar, the Art of Persuasion: Strategies for Enhancing Your
Influence, will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 4, and Thursday, Jan. 16, 11:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m. both dates.
LEARN TO communicate clearly; enhance your ability to influence others during
face to face interactions; develop a set of
techniques that can be employed to build consensus;
and, enhance your ability to influence a
desired outcome and achieve results.
THIS EVENT will be held at the College of
Medicine Research Building (COMRB), 909 S. Wolcott Ave., on the Medical Center
Campus. Attendance is limited. To register, log on to
or contact, Uma Sriram at (312)
355-4935 (,
or Donald Kamm at (312) 996-6424 (
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION will be sent after registration. When
you register, you are registering for both dates.
APAC Meetings Scheduled
APs are invited to
the monthly APAC meeting at 12:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month.
Meetings are held either in Room 5175 of the College of Medicine Research
Building, 909 S. Wolcott, or Room 2750 of University Hall on the East Campus.
Next meeting is December 11 in Room 5175 of the College of Medicine Research
Building. For information, call (312) 996-0306.
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More diversity at UIC is a goal of the Chancellor’s Committees.
PART of the University’s efforts to promote and support its diverse
community, UIC established the Chancellor's Status Committees, which are
administered by UIC's Office of Diversity. Every year, Academic Professionals,
other staff, faculty, and students are nominated by existing committee members
and appointed by Chancellor Paula Allen-Meares.
IN Status Committee meetings and events is open to the entire UIC
community and supported by the Chancellor, and thereby considered approved for
employee participation. The Chancellor encourages members of the UIC community
to call upon the Status Committees to seek their assistance or take part in
their efforts in the areas described below. You can also consult their websites
for greater detail on activities, events, and subcommittees.
Committee on the Status of Asian Americans (CCSAA)
Chair 2013-2014:
(312) 996-3853
CCSAA is dedicated to promoting the academic, social, cultural, and
professional welfare of UIC's Asian American faculty, staff, and
students. CCSAA addresses and makes recommendations to the Chancellor
regarding issues related to employment practices, climate, representation,
recruitment, and retention issues that are of concern to the Asian American
campus community. The committee is dedicated to working collaboratively with
diverse communities on campus and building relationships with off campus Asian
American community organizations.
Committee on the Status of Blacks (CCSB)
Chair 2013-2014:
Hassan,, (312) 996-8767
CCSB serves as an advisory body on matters pertaining to the academic,
professional, and social aspects of African and African American life at UIC.
CCSB addresses issues relating to campus governance, employment practices,
public relations, student affairs, and other issues that affect the well-being
of Blacks on campus. The committee works collaboratively with UIC's diverse
Committee on the Status of Latinos (CCSL)
Co-chairs 2013-2014:
Alfonso,, (312) 355-0318; Lorena Garcia,, (312) 413-3759
CCSL was established to promote the development of educational,
professional, and career opportunities among UIC Latinos. The committee
addresses issues of general concern to Latinos at UIC.
Committee on the Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer People
and Allies (CCSLGBTQPA)
Co-chairs 2013-2014:
O'Brien,, (312) 996-7885; Philip Vasquez,, (312) 996-3100
The mission of CCSLGBTQPA is to provide leadership on lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer people and allies issues in the UIC community.
This includes addressing needs of faculty, staff, students, and alumni of
diverse sexual orientations. The goal is to enhance a supportive environment,
which will foster full participation by all members of the University's
communities in teaching, public service, and research.
Committee on the Status of Persons with Disabilities (CCSPD)
Co-chairs 2013-2014:
(312) 355-0550; Mark Goedert,, (312) 413-9787
The mission of CCSPD is to promote empowerment and inclusion of
faculty, staff, and students with disabilities at UIC. CCSPD recognizes that
people with disabilities are a diverse group, including individuals with
visible and non-visible disabilities. This mission is motivated by our
goal to integrate all members of this diverse community into every aspect of
campus life.
Committee on the Status of Women (CCSW)
Co-chairs 2013-2014:
McCary,, (312) 996-9251; Karen
Peters,, (312) 413-4944
CCSW works to improve the status of women at UIC with a primary objective
to advise and make recommendations to the Chancellor regarding attitudes,
policies, and procedures that affect women staff, faculty, and students. The
committee will undertake projects and will also recommend changes in campus
structures, policies and programs as appropriate.
ILLINOIS Department of Central Management Services (CMS)
has issued a guide on the forthcoming State-sponsored health insurance plans,
which become effective on February 1,
2014. The URL is .
The University has begun a reorganization of medical governance. |
ILLINOIS SENATE President John Cullterton said the
State’s pension debt is not a crisis, but an issue being pushed by business-backed
groups seeking lower income taxes at the expense of retiree benefits. See Oct.
21 Chicago Tribune,,0,4245590.story.\
UNIVERSITY CONSIDERING supplemental retirement benefit for
employees hired since 2011. Under pension reforms approved in 2010, employees
hired after Jan. 1, 2011, receive lower retirement benefits than those hired
before that date. See Oct. 29 News-Gazette,
ILLINOIS BUDGET picture bleak for years? See Oct. 29 News-Gazette,
TOP executive
officers at University? See Nov. 10 News-Gazette,
PAULA Allen-Meares’ contract
extended for one year. See Nov. 14 Chicago
Vol. 6, No. 10, November 2013
ISSN 1946-1860
Editor: William S. Bike
Staff: Neal Lorenzi, Gail Mansfield, Susan S. Stevens, Monica M. Walk
Vice Chair: Ahlam Al-Kodmany
Chair: Michael Moss
Secretary: Mary Berta
Treasurer: Agnes Kawalec
Web Chair: Jeff Alcantar
Web Chair: Jeff Alcantar
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