June 28, 2012

JULY 2012 APAC News Vol. 5, No. 6

In the End, Nothing

A pension bill offered by House Speaker Michael Madigan originally was expected to pass, but when he withdrew his support the Illinois General Assembly declined to pass a pension bill yet.
AFTER TWO  months of all sides agreeing that this was the legislative session in which pension “reform” would be enacted—but not agreeing on much else—it failed in the Illinois General Assembly on May 31.

OTHER THAN a big change in retiree health benefits—what formerly was free would now be paid for by retirees at a cost to be determined by Central Management Services and ratified by the General Assembly—our pensions and benefits remain what they were.

GOVERNOR PATRICK Quinn originally called for raising the retirement age from 55 to 67, increasing employee contributions by three percentage points, reducing and delaying Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA), and guaranteeing that the State would pay its full annual contribution to the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) and other pension systems.

SENATE BILL 1673, proposed by House Speaker Michael Madigan, a Democrat, offered two retirement plan options for employees who joined the University before January 2011.

OPTION ONE was a plan that included State-sponsored retiree health care in return for lower annual cost of living increases than those now offered. The COLA would start later, at age 67 or five years after retirement, whichever occurred first, and it would be the lesser of 3% or half the consumer price index, calculated on the original annuity.

OPTION TWO offered the same annual cost of living increases now available, 3% annual COLA on a compound interest basis, but took away participation in the State-sponsored retiree health care program. The proposed legislation would not have increased the pension contribution by employees or changed the effective retirement age.

HAD THE legislation passed, employees could have chosen either option.

PART OF the bill called for shifting the non-employee part of the pension costs from the State to the State Universities and local school districts. Republicans were opposed, so Madigan dropped that provision.

WITH THAT, however, Madigan said that it was now a Republican bill, and then word leaked out that he would not vote for it. With most Democrats expected to go along with the Speaker, Governor Quinn asked House Republican Leader Tom Cross to withdraw the bill and to try again later in a special session.

THROUGHOUT THE process and no matter which of the various forms the bill took and which amendments were being considered, opponents said that nearly every proposal made to reduce pension payments violated the State constitution, which says that pension payments made from the State to public employees constitute an enforceable contractual relationship that cannot be taken away even through legislation.
PROPONENTS ARGUED that by providing employees and pension holders with a “voluntary” choice between cost-of-living increases at traditional levels or healthcare at traditional levels, but not both, they were adhering to contract law and the state constitution.
KENT REDFIELD, a political science professor at the University of Illinois-Springfield, told Progress Illinois, “You could argue that the choice is not that different from a protection racket saying ‘give us money or we’ll break your legs.’”
“IT IS likely that the Governor will call a special session to deal with pension reform, said Merrill L. Gassman of UIC United, the UIC Chapter of SUAA. “In the meantime, UIC United, SUAA, and all of its members can take a bow for doing their part in getting us to this point. With renewed vigor and having a fleshed-out bill to study and critique, we can hopefully make headway in showing the bill supporters the error of their ways.”
ILLINOIS’ FISCAL condition factored into other legislative outcomes that are important to the University:
FISCAL YEAR 2013 budget appropriation. The General Assembly passed and sent to Gov. Quinn's desk a higher education operating appropriation that is 6.17 percent less than the current fiscal 2012 appropriation. This represents a $42.5 million reduction in the University of Illinois appropriation to $646.6 million. A reduction in the University's appropriation of general revenue funds was anticipated by the University, so budget scenarios to deal with it are being developed across the campuses.

MEDICAID CUTS. The legislature enacted major Medicaid reforms that included a $1.6 billion budget cut for the program; an increase in tobacco taxes to help fund health care; and new requirements for charity care provided by hospitals in Illinois. The University's Hospital & Healthcare System's patients and clinical operations were not spared from the budget cuts.

HEALTH CARE Insurance for Retirees. In an effort to address the cost of providing health care for State retirees, the General Assembly passed, and Governor Quinn said he will sign, legislation (SB 1313) that modifies premium payments for retiree health care insurance by allowing the director of the State Department of Central Management Services (CMS) to set the premiums. Premiums will be based on income and length of service. The effective date would be July 1, 2012. An annual rate-setting process will occur, providing universities, employees, and retirees an opportunity to express their views.

RE-EMPLOYMENT OF retirees. The University worked closely with legislative sponsors on a bill that limits public universities in re-employment of their retirees (HB 4996). It was passed in the House and Senate, and Gov. Quinn is expected to sign it into law. Effective in the 2014 academic year, it sets financial conditions on the University for retirees who are employed for more than 18 weeks in an academic year and earn more than 40 percent of their previous salary. However, it would exempt from these rules those whose salaries are funded by grants or gifts. Human resource policies and procedures are being reviewed to determine what changes should be made to comply with the new law.

FOR ADDITIONAL information about these and other legislative initiatives you can go to the General Assembly website, www.ilga.gov. The University will provide updates as events may warrant.

SEE ALSO “Legislators may consider pension changes during special Session,” UIC News, May 6: http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/uicnews/articledetail.cgi?id=16424.

Time to Consider IGPA Plan, Director Says

Robert Rich, Director of the Institute of
Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois.
ROBERT F. RICH is the director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs (IGPA) at the University of Illinois. Rich, who also is a professor of law, of political science, and of medicine at Illinois, spoke with University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign News Bureau business and law editor Phil Ciciora about the prospects for enacting legislation in a special summer session.

RICH SAID, “There are two major problems with the pension system for public employees: Illinois has the largest unfunded liability of any state in the United States (our system is currently 43% funded); and the inability to finance “normal costs” has increased the unfunded liability over time. If these issues are not addressed, then the rating agencies will further downgrade the State of Illinois, which will have a real negative impact on our overall economy. I believe the Legislature will pass legislation to address these issues by the end of the calendar year, at the latest.

CONCERNING Gov. Patrick Quinn’s decision to pull the plug on pension reform in the legislative session that ended May 31, Rich said, “It was a good idea because there was insufficient support to pass meaningful legislation. Now, the four leaders can craft a solution that both political parties can agree on. It will take a 3/5 vote to pass any legislation. Then, if an agreement is reached, a special session can be called.”

FOR REPUBLICANS, a big sticking point was the transfer of the State portion to the State universities and school districts. “I think,” Rich noted, “this will be addressed in one of two ways: implementing the transfer over 20 years as opposed to ten years, making it fiscally possible to achieve this goal; or shifting a portion (for example, 50%) away from the State.

“THE PROPOSED legislation would certainly have led to a court test. The non-impairment clause of the Illinois Constitution is one of the strictest in the United States. I do not believe that the provision that offers a “choice” to current employees and annuitants would survive a constitutional challenge because it does not offer a real, voluntary choice. A voluntary choice would be for alternatives of approximately equal value and where the choice is not coerced. The current language does not meet his test,” Rich explained.

WITH THE University administration concerned with attracting and retaining top faculty and staff, the current Tier 2 option of reduced benefits for new employees, which was implemented as of Jan. 1, 2011, “makes us non-competitive with many other institutions,” Rich asserted. “So, from our perspective, pension reform needs to also deal with Tier 2. The ‘cash balance’ plan, or the ‘hybrid plan,’ put forward by the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, will do this successfully.”

TIME MAY be running short, Rich indicated, noting “I suspect that the credit agencies will not wait any longer than the end of the calendar year and they may even act by the end of the summer.”

Editor’s note: To contact Robert F. Rich, call e-mail rfrich@illinois.edu.

Governor Signs Medicaid Cuts, Cigarette Tax Hike Into Law

GOVERNOR PATRICK QUINN signed into law a package of bills to achieve his desired $2.7 billion in Medicaid savings, including a bill that cuts $1.6 billion from Medicaid – the Federal-State health care program for the poor, elderly, and disabled -- and a measure to raise the cigarette tax by $1 a pack. The cigarette tax hike is expected to generate $700 million a year, including $350 million in matching Federal funds. The legislation cuts or eliminates a number of programs, including the elimination of Illinois Cares Rx, which gives prescription drugs to seniors.

ALSO, THE, the $2.7 billion actually translates into only $1.3 billion in savings, according to Progress Illinois. The rest is money Illinois will not see in its federal Medicaid reimbursement. The Federal government reimburses half or more of each state's Medicaid costs.
WITH MEDICAID cuts, UIC’s Medical Center can expect to see fewer Medicaid patients and lose some vital revenue that those patients provide UIC for their healthcare needs.
THE BILLS officially become law July 1.

State Cuts University Appropriation 6%, MAP Grants 4%

Students protesting proposed MAP grant cuts.
THE UNIVERSITY’s and Illinois Connection’s legislative advocacy objectives this spring were to minimize cuts in the State’s direct appropriation to the University and to hold the line on cuts to the student Monetary Assistance Program (MAP), which also provides funding to the University by helping students pay their University bills. 

THE UNIVERSITY’S appropriation from the State was cut by 6.17%. 

MAP GRANTS were funded at $371.3 million. This is a reduction of nearly $15.4 million (4%) compared to the initial Fiscal Year (FY) ‘12 funding levels, despite record demand in the state for need-based student assistance.  It is 8% below the FY ‘11 appropriation.  It is unclear at this point how MAP grants will be affected in FY ‘13, but initial indications are that each grant could be reduced by 1% to 2%.

“GIVEN THE State’s financial position, the University came out better than some had forecast earlier in the year,” said Amy Eichhorst, Vice President, Illinois Connection.

ILLINOIS CONNECTION is the grassroots advocacy network for the University.

July Retirements Mean Open Positions for Supervisors and Interested Current Employees

By Monica M. Walk

AS UNIVERSITY of Illinois employees eligible for retirement embrace the July 1 fiscal-year deadline, continuing employees may want to consider the ramifications of these open positions.

VETERAN ACADEMIC Professionals may see opportunities for advancement or new career paths. Supervisors will be looking for swift ways to find and hire replacements.

BOTH GROUPS will want to heed the advice of Assistant Vice President for Human Resources Robert Crouch.

“FIRST AND foremost, individuals need to keep an eye out for opportunities, and apply based on the position requirements,” said Crouch, noting that positions may continue to open as individuals decide to act on the retirement deadline. “Positions are posted campus-wide through DDDH. It can be a little more difficult to know about open positions across campus, but special announcements let people know about openings in colleges and departments. The tricky part can be timing and understanding what is available campus-wide, so monitor the HR job board and pay attention to DDDH special announcements.”

WHEN A current employee spots an opening of interest, swift communication is key. APAC has created the following webpage to assist with your search, and it includes links to current campus job postings: https://sites.google.com/site/uicapac/careers.

“INDIVIDUALS WITH interest need to communicate with the appropriate levels of leadership in their organization or entity:  their supervisor and the HR contact in their college,” Crouch said. “Keep resumes updated, so they can be fine-tuned for positions that become available. Brush up on skills, or develop skills, so you’re ready in the event a position becomes available. Be ready to market yourself.”

APAC HOPES to sponsor a resume building event in the future.

SUPERVISORS INTERESTED in filling an open position with an internal candidate need to understand the process.

A CANDIDATE search is required, but can start as solely an internal search, Crouch said.

IF A supervisor identifies an internal candidate with the skills and experience needed for a position, he or she must contact the Office for Access and Equity regarding the search waiver process. Crouch noted that the search waiver process is not standard protocol in filling positions. “We are required to do a full search,” he said. “There is a process requiring justification for circumventing the full search process. The supervisor must provide thorough rationale for hiring an applicant outside of the full search process.”

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR for the Office of Access and Equity Tanya Jachimiak elaborated.

“HIRING OFFICERS should consider whether the University's interests are best served in foregoing the standard search process,” Jachimiak said.  “Waiver of all or part of the regular search process is appropriate in situations where it can be amply demonstrated that the investment of time and effort in a search is simply not in the University's best interests (i.e., whether foregoing a standard search supports UIC's AAP or would have little impact on others' equal employment opportunities, or whether forgoing a standard search is otherwise justified). While waiver decisions are within the sole discretion of OAE, it is critical that hiring officers understand that affirmative action and equal employment opportunity are an integral part of UIC's mission.”

FROM TIME to time, Jachimiak noted, rare circumstances exist that make it permissible to forgo a standard search. “Search waivers are the exception to the rule, and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis,” she said.

FOLLOWING ARE examples of such circumstances:
  • Grant Funded Positions:  When an individual is named in an externally funded grant.
  • Promotion/Transfer/Rehire: When a current, or former, AP staff member best qualifies to fill the vacancy.
  • Previous Search:  When a qualified candidate is available from a previous search for a similar position.
  • Tenure to Non-tenure:  When a faculty member changes from a tenure track to a non-tenure track or staff positions.
  • Groups:  When groups of employees join the campus work force by institutional decision, e.g., a previous state program becomes a UIC program or hires pursuant to the Chancellor's Cluster Hire initiative.
  • Reorganization:  When a unit undergoes administrative reorganization or reassignment.
  • Spousal/Partner Hires:  When a spouse or partner is appointed to an AP position for which he or she is qualified.
  • Unique Experience:  When an opportunity to appoint a distinguished individual to faculty arises, where it is highly unlikely for a search to result in a more qualified individual, and where delay in the appointment may result in loss of the opportunity.
  • Sponsored Funding Restoration:  When an employee is involuntarily terminated from a sponsored program due to lack of funds, the funds are shortly restored, and where the employee would return in the same position.

THE SEARCH waiver process is neither burdensome nor time-consuming, according to Jachimiak. A unit submits a Request for Waiver form to OAE, along with supporting documentation, including:
  • The candidate's or employee's CV or resume;
  • The detailed reason(s) for the request, including but not limited to the employee's skills and backgrounds as well as departmental needs; and
  • The HR approved job description (or PAPE if applicable).

BECAUSE ALL requests are determined on a case by case basis, circumstances may require that additional information be submitted.  OAE will continue to process such requests within 24 - 48 hours from receipt of the required documentation.

Access and Equity Addresses Hiring Process

By Monica M. Walk

ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR for the Office of Access and Equity Tanya Jachimiak shared the following details about Human Resources policy No. 203-02, and the roles of Human Resources and the Office of Access and Equity in the hiring process:

“SPECIFICALLY, IN order to fill vacant or new visiting positions or extend appointments for existing visiting positions beyond the three and five-year time limits, a unit is required to submit a position job description to Human Resources (HR) for review and approval,” she said. “HR's review serves to ensure UIC's compliance with State Civil Service laws and requirements of the State Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS). Once the job description is approved, a unit is required to conduct a search pursuant to the academic search process ("standard search"). The search requirement supports the Office for Access and Equity's (OAE) compliance efforts with Executive Order 11246; Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the affirmative action provisions of Section 4212 of the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act.      
“HR COORDINATES the implementation of human resources services, programs, policies, and procedures for UIC,” Jachimiak continued. “HR is responsible for reviewing and monitoring all AP appointments, including creation and appointment processes. HR is also responsible for ensuring that current, accurate job descriptions exist and that those positions are properly classified as such under Civil Service Statutes. Questions concerning job descriptions, approval of AP positions, HireTouch, and the RAHA process should be directed to HR. 

“OAE--ON the other hand--is part of the Office of the Chancellor and has been charged with ensuring federally mandated affirmative action compliance,” she said. “As such, OAE's role in the hiring process is limited to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action issues. OAE has no role in the creation of positions or renewals of visiting AP positions within the one and three year time limits. Questions concerning position notices, job ads, search committees, recruitment plans, requests for waivers, and search process summaries should be directed to OAE. OAE has been and will continue to render decisions within 24-48 hours of receipt of all required materials.”

Reappointment Letters Contain Soft-Funding Lay-Off Clause

By Monica M. Walk

SOME UNIVERSITY employees receiving letters of reappointment may be surprised to read unfamiliar phrasing that indicates termination may come at any time due to soft funding issues. While this may be the first time an employee is reading this phrasing in his or her own reappointment letter, the language is not new.

ASSISTANT VICE President for Human Resources Robert Crouch supplied the following information about the “Soft Money Truncation Language” which became effective Aug. 16, 2009:

THE NOTIFICATION of Appointment was modified to include the following language: 

FOR APPOINTMENTS made "subject to receipt of funds" (such as those from grants or contracts), the University reserves the right to terminate the appointment prior to the Period of Service End Date if the grant(s) or other source of funding for the position has ended. An asterisk (*) symbol following the "Dollars" indicates that employment and payment is contingent upon receipt of funds. For such appointments, the University reserves the right to terminate the appointment prior to the Period of Service End Date if the grant or source of funds for the position becomes unavailable, and will provide prior notice, if applicable, in accordance with the notice periods set forth in Article IX(11)(b)(2) of the University of Illinois Statutes. If an asterisk (*) symbol does not appear next to the Dollars box on this Notice of Appointment, your appointment is not subject to the receipt of funds and not subject to earlier termination based on the loss of such funding.

SITUATIONS IN which it is likely appropriate to truncate a contract(s):
  • A sponsored agreement budget is reduced during the period of an award
  • A proposal budget is renegotiated after the start date of an award and staff have been hired on anticipation funds
  • A unit is told a grant will be awarded but the award does not come through
  • A unit is told a grant will be awarded but the award amount is lower than the application amount and the unit has hired based on pre-contract information.

“IT’S NOT what an employee expects to see in an appointment letter,” Crouch acknowledged of the language change made prior to his arrival on campus.  “This date is within the timeframe when funding became more volatile.  The language was created in 2009 to allow the University to furlough or lay off people if money is not available—that is, the promise of a grant that is not fulfilled, or granting funding is reduced or eliminated.  It was initiated to give the University some flexibility.”

Potential Strategy for Dealing with Late Insurance Payments

AN ACADEMIC Professional colleague contacted us to comment on a successful strategy employed to address delinquent health insurance payments. 

THE PERSON’S doctor was threatening legal action due to the State's tardiness in paying bills (this began for the individual approximately five-to-six months ago).  Communication was orchestrated with the insurer Cigna, and representatives from the doctor. As soon as Cigna informed the doctor's business manager that the State would pay 9% interest when the doctors ultimately got paid, the doctor’s office was quite happy and has left the employee alone ever since.

AS OF last week, it also looks like the State has begun paying the related medical bills from last June. 

OTHER EMPLOYEES struggling with these concerns may want to inform their medical providers that the State is required to pay interest on any late payments.

APAC Officers Elected

Michael Moss (left), shown with Chancellor Paula Allen-Meares, was re-elected Chair of APAC.
APAC OFFICERS for the 2012-2013 year were elected at APAC’s May meeting.

THEY ARE: Michael Moss, Chair; Yair Rodriguez, Vice Chair; Kathleen Engstrom, Secretary, and Professional Development Chair (committee members Deidre Hall, Yair Rodriguez, and Jeff Alcantar); Virginia Buglio, Treasurer; William S. Bike, Communications Chair; Ahlam Al-Kodmany, CAPE Chair (to take over after this year’s CAPE Award judging); Agnes Kawalec, Building Community Chair (committee members Jennifer Rowan and Jacqueline Burger); Lee Jackson and Colleen Pierson, By-Laws Co-Chairs; Marelet Kirda, Representation Chair (committee member Colleen Piersen); and Jeff Alcantar, Web Chair.

UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONAL Personnel Advisory Committee (UPPAC) representatives are Michael Moss, Marelet Kirda, Jacqueline Berger, and Jennifer Rowan.

LEAVING APAC are TomeikoSewell and Tonya Nikopoulos.

Former APAC Member Completes White House Internship

Sophia Magill.
By Emma Heemskerk, MUPP
(Master of Urban Planning and Policy)
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs

“MY DAILY White House internship experience was nothing less than awesome,” Sophia Magill, former APAC member, 2009-2011, remarked in a  recent interview about her completion of a highly sought-after internship in the White House.

IN HER full-time, three-and-a-half month placement in the Office of Presidential Personnel (PPO) as a National Security Team, Intern she assisted with searching for candidates to be considered to serve in the Obama Administration.

MAGILL, WHO at UIC had been Associate Director, Programming, Campus Programs, explained that she worked “to uphold the high standards set forth. Day after day the Americans that I encountered were truly remarkable and I was constantly reinvigorated by others’ desire to serve this great nation.”

THE MISSION of the White House Internship Program is to make the Executive Branch accessible to future leaders from around the nation, and to cultivate and prepare those devoted to public service for future leadership opportunities. The program invites Spring, Summer, and Fall interns to apply.

INTERNSHIP APPLICATION requirements for Magill included two essays, an explanation of her commitment to public service, a professional policy memo, two letters of reference, a resume, and application form. After an interview process, Magill received confirmation in late 2011 that she had been accepted for a placement as a National Security Team Intern and secured housing in preparation to join the team.

AS PART of her duties, she reviewed resumes for Presidential appointment consideration, conducted interest calls, and assisted with in-person interviews. She also conducted public records checks on potential candidates to ensure the President’s highest standards of ethics and aptitude were upheld. “In addition to the guidance from the staff whom I worked closely with, I also was assigned a mentor who helped to provide invaluable insight and professional advice,” Magill noted. “Through the White House Internship Program, I had the opportunity to strengthen my resume, practice interview skills, and develop my personal theme to guide my professional track.”

MAGILL ALSO  had the opportunity to meet President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Additionally, through Speakers Series and Professional Development Groups, she met and interacted with top senior White House staff members and top departmental appointees.

“SERVING THE local Washington, DC, community was also a prevalent part of our internship experience as we regularly participated in service projects,” Magill explained. “It was during these moments of cleaning up a cemetery during the National Day of Service and Remembrance, serving a warm meal to the homeless at Miriam's Kitchen, and playing games joyfully with children at the Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Washington Area that I really felt the magnificent spirit of serving others.

“THIS OFTEN majestic experience of working at the White House as an intern ultimately humbled me as I recognized not only the importance of public service, but the amazing ability I have to give to others,” Magill concluded.

FOR MORE information about White House internships, visit www.whitehouse.gov/internships.

APAC Meetings Scheduled; All Invited

ALL APs are invited to the monthly APAC meeting at 12:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held either in Room 5175 of the College of Medicine Research Building, 909 S. Wolcott, or Room 2750 of University Hall on the East Campus.

SCHEDULED MEETINGS are July 11 in Room 2750 UH, Aug. 8 in Room 5175 CMRB, Sept 12 in Room 2750 UH, Oct. 10 in Room 5175 CMRB, Nov. 14 in Room 2750 UH, Dec. 12 in Room 5175 CMRB. For information, call (312) 996-0306.


UNIVERSITY OF Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System medical care is available right on campus or in local communities.

THE UI Health System, http://hospital.uillinois.edu, (866) 600-CARE, and its clinics offer a wide range of care in many specialties.

IN ADDITION to the offices in the hospital and Outpatient Care Center, there are two Family Medicine Centers on campus, at 1801 W. Taylor St. and 722 W. Maxwell St. Call (312) 996-2901 or log on to http://hospital.uillinois.edu/Patient_Care_Services/Family_Medicine.html

THERE ALSO are four community health clinic locations where patients are seen regardless of their ability to pay, at Mile Square, 2045 W. Washington Blvd., (312) 996-2000; South Shore Clinic, 7131 S. Jeffrey Blvd., (773) 256-0526; Back of the Yards Clinic, 4630 S. Bishop St., (773) 523-2615; and Cicero Clinic, 4747 W. Cermak Rd., (312) 996-2000. See  http://hospital.uillinois.edu/Patients_and_Visitors/Mile_Square_-_Federally_Qualified_Health_Center.html.

BENEFIT BEAT: Employee Assistance Services

EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE Services (EAS) provides free, professional, confidential assessment, short-term counseling referrals, and follow-up for UIC employees and their families for individual, marital, or family problems; emotional stress or depression; financial difficulties; and alcohol and other drug dependencies.

IF YOU have any questions or want to schedule an appointment, contact Employee Assistance Services at (312) 996-3588 or https://nessie.uihr.uillinois.edu/cf/benefits/index.cfm?Item_id=482&rlink=1#Chicago.


APAC AND SUAA blog on retirement issues: http://uicretirement.blogspot.com/.


Editor’s Note: “The Continuing Crisis” is a section of APAC News which links to news pertinent to the state budget crisis and other financial matters as they affect the University and Academic Professionals. These news outlets are not affiliated with or endorsed by APAC.

POLITICIANS ATTEMPT to solve budget crisis on backs of State workers, retirees, says Gazette on June 1: http://www.gazettechicago.com/index/2012/05/politicians-attempt-to-solve-budget-crisis-on-backs-of-state-workers-retirees/.

GOVERNOR QUINN signs law to end free State retiree healthcare. See June 21 Springfield Journal-Register, http://www.sj-r.com/breaking/x2072208862/Quinn-signs-law-to-end-free-state-retiree-health-care.

Vol. 5, No. 6, July 2012

ISSN 1946-1860
Editor: William S. Bike
Writing Staff: Ivone De Jesus

Chair: Michael Moss
Vice Chair: Yair Rodriguez
Secretary: Kathleen Engstrom
Treasurer: Virginia Buglio
Web Chair: Jeff Alcantar