January 1, 2011

Virginia Buglio Takes Care of the Details

Virginia Buglio is treasurer of APAC.

FOR THE past 17 years, Virginia Buglio has been employed by UIC. She has had several positions on campus but since June 2003 she has worked in the College of Dentistry.

SHE SERVED as the college's grants manager and became a Certified Research Administrator just a couple years ago. Most recently, Buglio was promoted to Associate Director of Research Services for the college. Her role in the Office of Research in Dentistry is to support the faculty and business managers through the grant process - from finding funding sources, submitting grants, negotiating contracts, receiving awards, to final reporting.

AS BUGLIO said, “There are a lot of nuts and bolts that fall under that summary and it is an ever-changing environment with federal guidelines and funding levels constantly changing, but it makes life fun and interesting.” The most gratifying part of her job is the satisfaction she receives from working with different people and helping them to achieve a finished product. Of course, the biggest reward is when they receive funding and Buglio knows that she helped play a role.

I LIKE the details, and the research business is all about the details,” Buglio said. This detail-orientation comes in handy in her role with APAC.

THIS IS Buglio’s second year on APAC, and she serves as Treasurer. Before joining APAC, she noted she had been aware of APAC for some time and was very interested in becoming involved to learn more about the campus and campus activities in general. “I was looking for an avenue to get involved in a bigger way,” she said. Additionally, she wanted the opportunity to meet other APs from units outside her college.

IN HER time serving on APAC she has seen, she said, “tremendous strides in many areas” of APAC including having a “great newsletter” as well as regular communication sent to APs, events and, one of the more recent accomplishments, the APAC survey. While the creation of the survey began before Buglio was on the committee, she recognizes that a great amount of work went into this effort by many of the APAC members. The survey queried APs on their opinions in many areas related to their jobs. The results of the survey will serve the campus and APAC in providing information for improvements in supporting the AP community on campus.

BUGLIO IS most proud of being involved in APAC because of the “dedication of the individuals who serve and give of their personal time to help fellow colleagues on campus.” She would like to see more APs becoming involved, noting that APAC has reached many by communication efforts and events but “strives to get more APs involved by volunteering for events and subcommittees.” She encourages APs to become involved, reiterating what other previously profiled APAC members have stated: “You do not have to be an APAC member to get involved.”

BEING ON APAC has allowed Buglio to be a voice to and for colleagues within her college. She hopes to continue serving, learning, meeting new people, and contributing more to activities sponsored by APAC.

--Ivone De Jesus

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