February 1, 2011
February 2011 APAC News, Vol. 4, No. 2
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Examination and Reclassification
of AP Positions Required by Law
By Monica M. Walk
AS THE University of Illinois works to comply with the State Universities Civil Service System requirements for position classification, Academic Professionals (APs) could find their positions recommended for reclassification to Civil Service. Executive Director for Human Resources Maureen Parks wants all employees to know, “Our goal is to be as employee friendly and transparent as possible” during the job analysis and conversion process.
VITAL FOR Academic Professionals to understand is that the University will uphold all notice rights.
“THEY HAVE a contract as Academic Professionals, and that will be honored,” Parks said, explaining that many Academic Professionals have a contractually agreed-upon period of time during which they must be notified if their job is ending or being changed. Academic Professionals are employed by an annual contract with the University, and the contract is renewed yearly.
SO, WITH the conversion of an Academic Professional job to Civil Service, the employee will have decisions to make, including the choice to convert immediately to Civil Service or to wait until his or her Academic Professional notice period is up.
“THEY ARE not being forced to convert immediately,” Parks said. “There is time to make the transition. We have really good employees, and we want to retain them—not get rid of them. But we must comply with the audit.”
THE CIVIL Service agency that regulates hiring and employment at all state universities in Illinois is called the State Universities Civil Service System (SUCSS). When SUCSS conducted its biennial audit in 2008, the UIC Campus received a number of audit findings.
“WE HAD serious audit findings,” Parks recounted. “Too many positions were classified outside of the Civil Service System that were concerning. The System has specific exemption protocols, and too many positions at UIC were inappropriately exempted.
“MANY OF the position classifications were written in 1954 and don’t fit our needs today,” Parks noted, “especially in Chicago where we work in medicine and a different hiring market. It is a competitive environment in which we must comply. For a number of years on the Chicago campus, we hired employees in a way that exempted them from the Civil Service System. That seemed to be OK for a period of time but not today.”
THE 2008 audit made it clear that change was required. Parks believes there are approximately 1,200 Civil Service classifications; the University of Illinois Chicago currently uses fewer than half of these. Making changes necessary for compliance requires a process of reviewing all Academic Professional positions on the Chicago campus.
Is this lab technician an AP or Civil Service employee? Examination and possible
reclassification of her position and others is required by law. (Photo courtesy AADE.)
Methodology and Process
DUE TO the scope of the review process—there are between 3,000 and 4,000 Academic Professional employees on campus—HR has licensed use of a tool used for job analysis and hired several temporary professional job analysts to assist with the project, which began in late Spring/early Summer 2010 and is expected to continue for the next 18 months.
ANALYSTS ARE meeting with each unit and department to interview supervisors and employees to understand the scope and function of employees’ jobs, complete with discussion and agreement about the job duties by the individuals involved. Parks said supervisors also will be asked, “If this person quit or retired now, what type of education, certification, qualifications and competencies would be needed to replace him or her today.” The data is then fed into what Parks described as a “state of the art system.”
“THROUGH THE interview and the tool, we get a summary of the employee’s job. Analysts then review and write the job description, and determine if Civil Service has a job with these functions,” Parks explained, noting that she wants employees to know about and understand the methodology and process. Participants in the review process complete some preparatory work and do submit a pre-interview survey to help prepare for the interview with the analyst. “The law says that if the Civil Service System classification matches, then it has to be a Civil Service job,” Parks said.
AN INTERESTING twist in the process lies in the fact that University positions at the Chicago campus have not always had written job descriptions traditionally used at other universities and by other state universities.
“WE ALSO will get data on the jobs on campus, and will be able to create job families and a compensation structure based on factual information,” Parks said.
THE MEDICAL Center has most recently gone through the interview process, and job descriptions are being drafted and reviewed by management. Outcomes of the process will be shared soon.
A TIMEFRAME for additional units under review is not available. “Each unit is unique, so we have to be flexible regarding the project timeframe,” Parks said.
Review Reports
AS THE reviews continue, each Vice Chancellor will meet with HR to discuss the process, steps, and goals for their area. Town Hall meetings will be scheduled with HR for each Vice Chancellor area to explain the process, timeframe, outcome, and expectations if positions are recommended for conversion. Individual meetings with HR representatives also are available for employees who request them.
UIC HR also is doing the job analysis review and in its own unit, Parks reported. Other units had employees who converted already. Approximately 25 hourly, temporary Academic Professionals who did not have contracts, and another half-dozen employees who chose to convert voluntarily to a Civil Service class that was an exact match for their positions, did so last summer.
PARKS ACKNOWLEDGED that she realizes Academic Professionals fear losing advantages in a transition to Civil Service.
“BUT, THEY have greater protection as Civil Service: Academic professionals have a one-year contract at the university that has to be renewed annually,” Parks said. “Civil Service positions have security if there are cutbacks. There is seniority if there are cutbacks. They could be bumped into a different departments with the same title and general duties”.
THEY MAY also have better benefits. While health, dental, and retirement benefits remain the same for both employee groups, Civil Service employees can get a tuition waiver at any state school, while Academic Professionals get a waiver only at the campus on which they work. Academic professionals have 24 vacation days per year, while some Civil Servants earn up to 28 vacation days annually. For the majority of positions, Parks expects no salary change. Some Academic Professional positions changed to unionized Civil Service positions may need compensation details worked through with unions.
“OUR INTENT is to classify appropriately,” Parks emphasized.
FOR MORE information about the Civil Service Audit and job analysis, see http://www.uic.edu/depts/hr/UIC_Civil_Service_Audit_Job_Analysis/index.shtml. For more information about UIC SUCCSS audit compliance see http://www.uic.edu//depts/hr/compensation/sucss.shtml.
FOR MORE information about the Civil Service Audit and job analysis, see http://www.uic.edu/depts/hr/UIC_Civil_Service_Audit_Job_Analysis/index.shtml. For more information about UIC SUCCSS audit compliance see http://www.uic.edu//depts/hr/compensation/sucss.shtml.
Administrative Restructuring and Review
is Separate from Civil Service Compliance
By Monica M. Walk
A UNIVERSITY-wide initiative kicked off in Winter 2010 to save money and create efficiencies is not linked to the process of Academic Professional to Civil Service position compliance, as some members of the campus community have mistakenly come to believe.
THE ADMINISTRATIVE Restructuring and Review (ARR) initiative began in Winter 2010 as a response to the State’s financial crisis and the need to examine administrative processes to determine ways to save money and create efficiencies, reported Assistant Vice President for Human Resources Maureen Parks, a member of the ARR Human Resources (HR) subcommittee. ARR looked at several different administrative areas including Information Technology (IT), Purchasing, and HR.
ARR IS not the group overseeing the Civil Service compliance process, which is an HR function. Human Resources is just one of several subcommittees making recommendations for the Administrative Restructuring and Review Steering Committee. After the original HR subcommittee made recommendations last summer, an HR Implementation team was formed. That committee first convened around Thanksgiving 2010 and has met approximately five times. The HR recommendations are categorized in three “buckets:” internal process change; external regulatory relief; and HR governance and organization.
FIRST, THE HR Implementation is grappling with HR organization and governance, Parks reported. “We need to get to a place where we know the structure and then can continue,” she said, noting that Human Resource functions currently are decentralized on individual campuses and need to become a more integrated organization to leverage efficiencies and best practices. “We have to look at the same or similar practices globally where it makes sense, and take advantage of best practices.”
THE HR Implementation group will consider creating a human capital strategy for APs as was recommended in the ARR HR subcommittee report, which will use the job descriptions newly created through the Job Analysis process that is also being used to address Civil Service System compliance issues.
“WE NEED to know specifically what APs do in order to create a human capital strategy,” Parks said. “Through the job analysis, we will be able to do this.”
THE GROUP also will examine the kinds of systems needed to support professional growth and how they are deployed and supported across the organization.
“WE WILL also look at efficiencies we can leverage and how best to meet the needs for our stakeholders,” Parks said. “The ARR project and process has to do with addressing financial challenges.”
FOR INFORMATION about UIC Academic and Administrative Task Forces see http://www.uic.edu/depts/oaa/taskforces.html.
Budget ‘Grim,’ But University Working on 2.5% Raises for All Staff in FY12
The red line shows what Illinois’ budget shortfall would have been in billions of dollars without the recent State tax increase. The blue line projects what the shortfall still will likely be even with the tax increase.
(Graph courtesy IGPA.)
UNIVERSITY OF Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs (http://igpa.uillinois.edu/) Professor David Merriman on Jan. 27 presented to the University Senate (http://www.uic.edu/depts/senate/) an analysis of the impact of the recent income and corporate tax increases in Illinois on the State budget (click here).
UNIVERSITY OF Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs (http://igpa.uillinois.edu/) Professor David Merriman on Jan. 27 presented to the University Senate (http://www.uic.edu/depts/senate/) an analysis of the impact of the recent income and corporate tax increases in Illinois on the State budget (click here).
IN ESSENCE, Merriman told the Senate that the tax increase helps, but is not enough. At best, the State will continue to have a recurring annual deficit of between $5 billion and $10 billion unless further actions to increase revenue and decrease spending are enacted.
MERRIMAN SAID that “Illinois’ pension underfunding is the worst in the nation.”
WHILE THE tax increase will help, there are new hits every budget year. Merriman said, for example, that the State’s Fiscal Year 2011 budget relied on some one-time proceeds, like a $1.25 billion tobacco settlement, that will not be available again. “In FY 12 the State will spend $5 billion more than it has, plus will carry over $7 billion in unpaid bills from the previous year,” Merriman noted. “And even Democrats are saying no more tax hikes, so don’t expect that to happen.”
FOR HIGHER education institutions, while the backlog of unpaid bills could be “reduced,” Merriman said, Fiscal Year 2012 budget prospects “remain grim.” He noted that even when the recession is over, people will be using State services more because their personal reserves are depleted, and that these services will have to be paid for.
INTERIM PROVOST Jerry Bauman spoke next, and noted, “The State owes us $406 million. An even with the tax increase, there still is a $6 billion deficit in the State.”
HOWEVER, BAUMAN did offer some good news, saying “President Michael Hogan is determined to get raises for staff, faculty, and administration,” and noted that raises of 2.5% is the target the University is shooting for.
“BUT THERE is no new money coming from the State so we’ll have to reallocate, meaning to cut someplace else. The president will work with the UIC community to plan cuts rather than just cut across the board,” Bauman said.
HE ALSO noted that the University is planning no furlough days.
Bills That Could Reduce Our Pensions
Introduced in Illinois General Assembly
This archived story is from February, 2011.
To read more current articles on SURS Legislation, click here here!The Illinois House of Representatives will consider two bills that could reduce our pensions.
TWO ILLINOIS House Bills, HB 146 and HB 149, have recently captured the attention of many concerned APs and faculty. The proposed changes occur at a time when the State’s pension funds are $70 billion in debt after decades of underfunding by legislatures and governors of both parties. These bills are proposals by members of the Illinois House to address the State's unfunded pension liability. While it is possible that no action will be taken on these bills, such proposals have the potential to result in reduced pension benefits for some employees.
THESE BILLS are stirring controversy over Illinois’ constitutional protection of public pensions. Article 13, Section 5 of the Illinois Constitution (click here) states “Membership in any pension or retirement system of the State, any unit of local government or school district, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, shall be an enforceable contractual relationship, the benefits of which shall not be diminished or impaired.”
APs AND faculty may wish to review the legislation in more detail. The full text of these bills can be found on the Illinois General Assembly website (http://www.ilga.gov/). HB 146 is here, and HB 149 is here.
HB 146 & HB 149
HB 146 would cap pension benefits for all State employees hired before January 1, 2011. The new bill would apply the $106,800 maximum-salary-basis for computing pensions to those workers who retire on or after July 1, 2011. The reduced benefits already are in effect for State employees hired on or after January 1, 2011 (click here).
ACCORDING TO the SURS Pending Legislation website (click here), “HB 146 - Amends the General Assembly, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, and Judges Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Caps the highest salary for annuity purposes, final rate of earnings, final average compensation, and final average salary for current members, participants, and participating employees of the affected systems at $106,800, but authorizes that amount to be annually increased by the lesser of 3% or one-half of the annual percentage increase in the consumer price index-u for the 12 months ending with the September preceding each November 1. Requires employee contributions to also be based on these capped amounts.”
HB 149 would require current employees to choose among three retirement plans. They could stay in the current plan, but contribute more to it; they could choose to participate in the second-tier plan that passed last year, which has reduced benefits for those hired after January 1, 2011; or they could participate in a new 401(k)-style Defined Contribution Plan in which the State would match employees’ contributions.
ACCORDING TO the SURS Pending Legislation website (click here), “HB 149 - Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Requires current participants in the State-funded pension and retirement systems to make a one-time, irrevocable election of one of the following: (i) the traditional benefit package under the applicable Article of the Pension Code, (ii) the existing benefit package for new hires, or (iii) a self-managed plan (if made available by the participant's employer). Authorizes persons who became or become participants on or after January 1, 2011 to irrevocably elect either: (i) the benefit package for new hires or (ii) the self-managed plan (if made available by the participant's employer).”
The State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA) & UIC UNITED
ACCORDING TO the SUAA website (http://www.suaa.org/), “The State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA) provides the framework for a unified message dedicated to preserving and protecting a strong public pension system, healthcare benefits, and the general well-being of its membership.
ACCORDING TO the SUAA website (http://www.suaa.org/), “The State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA) provides the framework for a unified message dedicated to preserving and protecting a strong public pension system, healthcare benefits, and the general well-being of its membership.
"SUAA ADVOCATES on behalf of all faculty and staff of public universities and community colleges - both retired and current employees - their spouses and survivors, those who are participants and beneficiaries of the State Universities Retirement System.
"AS THE legislative scene is always changing, SUAA sends out periodic announcements to its subscribers.”
IF YOU would like to receive up-to-date information requiring action, or if you would like to unsubscribe, simply enter your e-mail address via the following link and click "Submit": click here.
PAST PRESIDENT of SUAA Dick Johnson recently stated “SUAA is committed to oppose strongly any diminution of retirement benefits that have been promised to members of the State Universities Retirement System (SURS). This is part of the legislative platform adopted by the membership at its annual meeting this past June. At the top of the list of legislative priorities is to defeat HB 146 that encompasses this attack on retirement benefits. Our highly regarded contract lobbyist, Dick Lockhart, and our Executive Director, Linda Brookhart, are working daily in the corridors of the State Capitol pressing our case. It takes more than this, however. SUAA is a state-wide organization of over 15,000 members in every legislative district in the state. SUAA must carry our case to everyone of the 59 Illinois Senators and the 118 representatives.”
UIC UNITED is the UIC Chapter of SUAA. According to the UIC UNITED website (http://www.uic.edu/orgs/suaa/), “The UIC chapter of the State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA), with over 1,600 members, exists to promote the individual and collective interests and welfare of its members and of all UIC retirees. It endeavors, in association with 48 other chapters in Illinois, to achieve legislation favorable to retirees and to keep members informed of pending legislation that can be of importance to them. In addition, the Chapter disseminates current information on issues of general concern to senior citizens, provides a liaison between retirees and the campus administration, provides opportunities for socializing among members, and works to assure adequate funding of the Illinois State Universities Retirement System (SURS).”
IF YOU would like to receive up-to-date information requiring action, or if you would like to unsubscribe, simply enter your e-mail address via the following link and click "Submit": click here.
PAST PRESIDENT of SUAA Dick Johnson recently stated “SUAA is committed to oppose strongly any diminution of retirement benefits that have been promised to members of the State Universities Retirement System (SURS). This is part of the legislative platform adopted by the membership at its annual meeting this past June. At the top of the list of legislative priorities is to defeat HB 146 that encompasses this attack on retirement benefits. Our highly regarded contract lobbyist, Dick Lockhart, and our Executive Director, Linda Brookhart, are working daily in the corridors of the State Capitol pressing our case. It takes more than this, however. SUAA is a state-wide organization of over 15,000 members in every legislative district in the state. SUAA must carry our case to everyone of the 59 Illinois Senators and the 118 representatives.”
UIC UNITED is the UIC Chapter of SUAA. According to the UIC UNITED website (http://www.uic.edu/orgs/suaa/), “The UIC chapter of the State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA), with over 1,600 members, exists to promote the individual and collective interests and welfare of its members and of all UIC retirees. It endeavors, in association with 48 other chapters in Illinois, to achieve legislation favorable to retirees and to keep members informed of pending legislation that can be of importance to them. In addition, the Chapter disseminates current information on issues of general concern to senior citizens, provides a liaison between retirees and the campus administration, provides opportunities for socializing among members, and works to assure adequate funding of the Illinois State Universities Retirement System (SURS).”
IF YOU have questions about UIC UNITED, please contact Merrill Gassman, President and Webmaster, UIC UNITED – the UIC Chapter of SUAA at mgassman@uic.edu.
TO SEARCH for your districts or officials using your address or zip code, click here.
PLEASE DIRECT any questions to your district officials, SURS, SUAA, or UIC UNITED. Contact information for each can be found above. APAC hopes to promote and facilitate campus communications on SURS, but we cannot answer specific questions about these legislative changes.
THANKS TO Dr. Gassman for providing input in the compilation of this article.
THANKS TO Dr. Gassman for providing input in the compilation of this article.
Yair Rodriguez
New Building Community/Education Chair
YAIR RODRIGUEZ is an alumnus of UIC, where he obtained his undergraduate degree in Communications, French, and International Studies. He took full advantage of opportunities available that would further his passion for languages and culture by studying abroad in South Korea, Brazil, and France. By the end of his undergraduate experience, he was a polyglot and had visited over 20 different countries. Undeniably, these experiences aid him in his work as academic coordinator for the CHANCE Program, where he helps the University with its missions to recruit, retain, and graduate underrepresented students. Aside from providing student support, Rodriguez also does community outreach, event planning, program evaluation, strategic planning, and manages all virtual communication efforts for the program. No small task. However, this bright and energetic AP is up for the challenge!
HE DESCRIBES himself as a “very goal-oriented person.” And, what he finds most fulfilling about his job is “getting the opportunity to see students flourish whom you have worked with to reach good academic standing, find a career path, or simply become leaders.” Furthermore, he says that he appreciates the confidence that his director has in allowing him “to pursue new projects, partnerships, and duties.”
RODRIGUEZ DECIDED to get involved with APAC because while he works with students on campus and with professionals off campus, he does not have the opportunity to work with other professionals here on-campus as much. He saw APAC as a good opportunity to meet other APs and a great way to "fill that void." Last semester, he began attending APAC meetings and attended several APAC Town Hall events as well. Rodriguez became an official committee member as of January 2011, and chair of the Building Community/Education Subcommittee. He is very excited about the possibilities. In the short time he has been involved with APAC, Rodriguez says he is very proud of the quality programming that is held, despite APAC currently having a smaller group of committee members than in the past. Furthermore, he thinks the “events are great, the online newsletter is very popular, and the listserv distributes very useful and AP-pertinent information.”
WHILE RODRIGUEZ is new to APAC and still becoming acquainted with the history behind APAC programming efforts and initiatives, he considers what potential achievements might entail. “I think three things that would be beneficial to APAC this year would be an increased number of APs that come out to the monthly meetings, more frequent ‘networking’ events, and a campus-wide APAC community service project initiative,” he said.
RODRIGUEZ IS currently working on a Master’s in Public Administration with a double concentration in Public and Financial Management. “I think the combination of my work history and my schooling is preparing me to be an efficient and knowledgeable administrator within academia,” he said. Outside work and school, Rodriguez has several hobbies that he enjoys, including exercise. During the summer he plays soccer, tennis, and volleyball, among other sports. In the winter you can catch Rodriguez at the gym or snowboarding. His love of travel did not end with his undergraduate career, so when he finds the time he likes visiting places where he can hike or surf.
GET TO know Rodriguez and other APAC members by attending the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 9, at 12:30 p.m. in Room 2750 of University Hall.
Now Accepting Nominations
for 2011 APAC and Senate Elections
APAC WILL be conducting two elections during the month of March 2011. The nomination petition and additional information are available here.
Become a member of APAC
IF YOU are a visiting or permanent AP, become one of our 15-18 members and help us represent the APs to the UIC community. Six representatives will be elected to serve for the 2011-2014 term. All Academic Professionals are eligible to serve on APAC.
What Does APAC Do?
APAC STRIVES to represent and serve UIC's Academic Professional employees. APAC meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 12:30 p.m., and all Academic Professionals are encouraged to attend. Please see http://www.apac.uic.edu/ for more information.
Become a member of APAC
IF YOU are a visiting or permanent AP, become one of our 15-18 members and help us represent the APs to the UIC community. Six representatives will be elected to serve for the 2011-2014 term. All Academic Professionals are eligible to serve on APAC.
What Does APAC Do?
APAC STRIVES to represent and serve UIC's Academic Professional employees. APAC meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 12:30 p.m., and all Academic Professionals are encouraged to attend. Please see http://www.apac.uic.edu/ for more information.
APAC REGULARLY hosts events on topics that impact APs. For example, we recently held SUCSS Audit Compliance Updates to address concerns over AP positions being converted to Civil Service. We also hold an event on SURS at least annually. Our open monthly business meetings are held regularly on alternating sides of campus, the location and times are listed on our website.
APAC ALSO coordinates the annual Chancellor's Academic Professional Excellence (CAPE) Awards; sends regular communications to APs through our listserv PACADEMY; publishes APAC News, our Monthly Newsletter for APs; represents APs on various campus committees including the UIC Senate and UPPAC (the University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee); and assists with various search committees such as those for the President, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Provost.
Serve as a UIC Senate AP Representative
IF YOU are an AP with a permanent appointment of 50% or more, consider serving as both an APAC member and as an AP representative to the UIC Senate. One Senate representative will be elected for the 2011-2014 term.
APAC ALSO coordinates the annual Chancellor's Academic Professional Excellence (CAPE) Awards; sends regular communications to APs through our listserv PACADEMY; publishes APAC News, our Monthly Newsletter for APs; represents APs on various campus committees including the UIC Senate and UPPAC (the University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee); and assists with various search committees such as those for the President, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Provost.
Serve as a UIC Senate AP Representative
IF YOU are an AP with a permanent appointment of 50% or more, consider serving as both an APAC member and as an AP representative to the UIC Senate. One Senate representative will be elected for the 2011-2014 term.
APAC Hosts Open House
APAC HOSTED an open house on Feb. 9 in Student Center East, providing APs with information about what APAC does and how to get involved, as well as some refreshments. Dozens of APs braved the cold weather to learn more about APAC. The PowerPoint presented at the Open House is available here.
APAC Chair Michael Moss welcomes attendees.
Jacqueline Berger (center), an APAC Senate Representative, addresses the crowd.
Bill Bike explains the CAPE Award nomination process.
Sophia Magill talks about APAC’s role in employees mentoring other employees.
Jill Davis is both APAC Secretary and an APAC Senator.
Audience members listened attentively to speakers.
Participants enjoy the buffet after the APAC open house.
Healthcare Reform Brown Bag Scheduled
Benn Greenspan.
UIC UNITED, the UIC chapter of the State Universities Annuitants Association, will hold its winter brown bag presentation on healthcare reform and its impact on benefits and choices Tuesday, March 15, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Room C, Student Center West, 828 S. Wolcott St. Parking will be available at 1100 S. Wood St. for $5 with a parking coupon.
BENN GREENSPAN, program director of the Master of Healthcare Administration and clinical associate professor, Health Policy and Administration, UIC School of Public Health, will speak.
TEA AND COOKIES will be served. For more information and to RSVP, contact Donna Knutson, (630) 79-6134 or (312) 355-2519, markanddonna@uicalumni.org, or Rose Kirk, (630) 852-7316 rfrankirk@comcast.net.
Professional Development Opportunity:
UIC Management Skills Academy
THE MANAGEMENT Skills Academy will offer Academic Professionals an excellent Professional Development opportunity. If you are interested in taking one or more of the sessions, LLEAP funds can be used to cover cost associated with professional development activities. Get more information about the LLEAP policy here.
THE MID-AMERICA Public Health Training Center at University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health; the Maternal and Child Health Program at University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health; and the Great Cities Institute at University of Illinois at Chicago will be sponsoring the Management Skills Academy, a professional development initiative designed to strengthen the participant's basic and intermediate level management skills.
THE CURRICULUM encompasses 12 topics offered on a monthly basis for three hour sessions in person at the UIC School of Public Health. The program is uniquely designed for participants to take either a stand-alone session or to register for all 12 sessions. A certificate of completion will be awarded whether participants attend one session or all 12. Unfortunately at this time, MidAmerica Center for Public Health Practice is unable to give CEUs for these courses.
SESSIONS WILL be offered in a workshop format and will include an information-rich overview of the workshop topic as well as participatory learning activities such as case studies, role-playing, and group discussion. Participants will have the opportunity to build their knowledge base on management practices, policies and principles, and sharpen comprehension of fundamental management issues.
SESSIONS WILL be offered in a workshop format and will include an information-rich overview of the workshop topic as well as participatory learning activities such as case studies, role-playing, and group discussion. Participants will have the opportunity to build their knowledge base on management practices, policies and principles, and sharpen comprehension of fundamental management issues.
WORKSHOP SESSIONS begin in March and will include:
* Introduction to Management Principles
* Vision, Mission, and Strategic Planning
* Building an Effective Board of Directors/Advisory Board
* Understanding Communication Styles
* Building and Motivating Teams
* Conflict Resolution
* Overcoming Burnout
* Planning and Managing a Sustainable Budget
* Project Management
* Continuous Quality Improvement
* Increasing Impact through Collaboration and
* Using Social Media for Marketing and Advocacy
THE COST is $50 per session, $450 for all 12 sessions if you register on-line by Friday, March 11, and $475 for all 12 sessions if you register on-line after Saturday March 12. Registration is now open. Sessions will be held at the School of Public Health, 1603 W. Taylor St., Room 932. All the workshop sessions are from 9 a.m. to noon except for the last session on Feb. 16, 2012, which will be until 1 p.m. For more information or questions on the Management Skills Academy, contact Rani Saxena at (312) 996-7919 or at rmishra@uic.edu. If you have questions about LLEAP, contact Organizational Effectiveness at oe@uillinois.edu or (312) 413-9168.
APAC Schedules March Events
APAC HAS scheduled three important events for March.
A BUDGET update, featuring Vice Provost for Resource Planning and Management Frank Goldberg and Director of Budgeting and Program Analysis Todd Van Neck, will be held Thursday, March 3, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in the Molecular Biology Research Building, 900 S. Ashland Ave.
THE MONTHLY APAC Meeting will be held Wednesday, March 9, at 12:30 p.m. in Room 2750 of University Hall.
A SUCSS (State Universities Civil Service System) update, featuring Executive Director for Human Resources Maureen Parks and Executive Director for SUCSS Tom Morelock, will be held at a time and place to be announced.
FOR MORE information, contact Yair Rodriguez at yair@uic.edu or call (312) 355-0322.
A BUDGET update, featuring Vice Provost for Resource Planning and Management Frank Goldberg and Director of Budgeting and Program Analysis Todd Van Neck, will be held Thursday, March 3, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in the Molecular Biology Research Building, 900 S. Ashland Ave.
THE MONTHLY APAC Meeting will be held Wednesday, March 9, at 12:30 p.m. in Room 2750 of University Hall.
A SUCSS (State Universities Civil Service System) update, featuring Executive Director for Human Resources Maureen Parks and Executive Director for SUCSS Tom Morelock, will be held at a time and place to be announced.
FOR MORE information, contact Yair Rodriguez at yair@uic.edu or call (312) 355-0322.
AP Resource Spotlight
Preventing Campus Violence
UIC HAS a thorough Campus Violence Response and Prevention Plan, which can be found here.
YOU ARE encouraged to familiarize yourselves with this information and to educate your colleagues. The staff in the Office of the Dean of Students is available in the event of concerns with students or co-workers who could present a security risk or if more information and training are required.
Benefit Beat
Employee Assistance Services Available
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE Services (EAS) provides free, professional, confidential assessment, short-term counseling referrals, and follow-up for UIC APs and other employees, and their families.
TOPICS INCLUDE, but are not limited to, individual, marital, or family problems; emotional stress or depression; financial difficulties; and alcohol and other drug dependencies.
FOR INFORMATION or to schedule an appointment, contact Employee Assistance Services at (312) 996-3588. For more information, visit here.
APAC HOMEPAGE is at http://www.uic.edu/orgs/apac/.
SUCSS AUDIT: http://www.sucss.state.il.us/pm_manuals_results.asp?ID=194&kw= and
THE UNIVERSITY’S budget summary of operations is available online at http://www.obfs.uillinois.edu/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=954470.
THE URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Council of Academic Professionals (CAP – APAC’s sister committee at UIUC) newsletter can be found at http://illinois.edu/lb/imageList/2216.
The Continuing Crisis
Legislators and pundits across the nation are attempting to
make public employees bear the brunt of tough fiscal choices.
PUBLIC-SECTOR squeeze: Public employees’ pensions become scapegoat for financial crisis. See Truthout, Jan. 31, available here.
DESPITE TAX hike, State still faces massive deficits. See Progress Report of Feb. 7, available here.
UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO cut our pensions, says Senate President John Cullterton. See Chicago Sun-Times of Feb. 10, available here.
HAVE NOTS tired of taking guff from the haves. See letter in the Springfield State Journal-Register, Feb. 11, avaiable here.
IT COULD be worse—we could be working in Wisconsin. See Feb. 12 New York Times, available here.
“CALLING OUT the Guard for the Class War” shows what’s happening to public sector employees just across the border in Wisconsin. See Balloon Juice of Feb. 12, available here.
Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2011
ISSN 1946-1860
Editor: William S. Bike
Writing Staff: Ivone De Jesus, Monica Walk
Web Publishing: Jeff Alcantar
Chair: Michael Moss
Vice Chair: Jennifer Rowan
Secretary: Jill Davis
Treasurer: Virginia Buglio
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