November 1, 2010

SUCCS Update

HUMAN RESOURCES has created a website dedicated to the State University Civil Service Systems (SUCSS) Audit and the UIC Job Analysis. 

IN RECENT audits, the SUCSS auditor determined that while many jobs were correctly classified as Academic Professionals, 24 were not appropriately classified as AP and required conversion to Civil Service, and that others were questionable as AP positions.

IN LIGHT of this finding, the campus was required to convert the 24 jobs identified by SUCSS as having been classified as Academic Professional in error to appropriate Civil Service classifications.

HUMAN RESOURCES FAQs indicate that additional conversations will take place over the next several months.

OF NOTE, Civil Service employees do not have Notice Rights, a benefit of being an Academic Professional. Notice Rights would be lost for APs who are converted to Civil Service. Also of note, seniority for the converted Academic Professionals will be based only upon the length of their current position, and not reflect any time spent in prior AP appointments.

THE UNIVERSITY agreed to comply with the recommendations put forth an audit report by SUCSS: develop processes to ensure tighter position management protocols for APs; immediately transition jobs incorrectly classified as Academic Professional to Civil Service as quickly as appropriate in order to move towards full compliance; and evaluate and document each AP job with appropriate job descriptions.

THE SUCSS auditors have requested a listing of all Civil Service and Academic Professional employees on staff.

THE SUCCSS audit will require a review of each position description/PAPE to ensure that the duties, qualifications, etc. are current and most accurately reflect the work performed. The position description/PAPE is considered current only if updated within the last three years.

IF THE auditor specifically requests to meet with an employee during
the onsite visit, the position description/PAPE will need to have the employee's signature.

THE CAMPUS also has committed to evaluating all Academic Professional positions, creating job descriptions for each, and establishing related postion management processes. The position evaluation and job description development process is a major undertaking with an imperative for completion as soon as practicable.

A VARIETY of other web pages pertain to the audit and job analysis as well:

FREQUENTLY ASKED questions (FAQ)s about the Civil Service audit, job analysis, exemptions, and conversions.

JOB ANALYSIS for Academic Professionals--Post SUCSS audit
compliance (PowerPoint).

OFFICIAL MESSAGE from UIC senior leaders.


YOUR ROLE in the UIC 2010 Civil Service audit process.

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