November 1, 2010

Profile: Mindy Reeter

Mindy Reeter (right) and her children. 

MELINDA “MINDY” REETER is the Director of the Office for Human Research Oversight at the Peoria campus of the medical school and an APAC member. UIC’s APAC represents Peoria campus APs as well.

HER DEPARTMENT supports the Institutional Review Board (IRB) that oversees the human research being done at local/regional hospitals.  Human research is regulated by federal rules. 

REETER HAS been in the State Universities system for ten years; previously, she worked at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Springfield.  She has worked at the Peoria campus for the past seven years.  She likes looking at proposed research studies and seeing how they fit into the federal requirements.  And, she enjoys helping people revise their projects so that they do meet the federal regulations.

REETER’S INVOLVEMENT with APAC developed when a UIC colleague suggested she use her “fire-y redheadedness” for something useful and because “Peoria should have a voice.”  Since her election, she has been impressed by several APAC accomplishments but is most impressed by the APAC listserv. “I would be sheltered completely without it!” she said.

SHE WOULD like for APAC to help “bridge the gap” and “define the needs of the satellite campuses,” Reeter said, and she hopes to serve the Peoria campus in accomplishing this.

REETER HAS been married to her husband, Matt, for twelve years.  The couple has three children, Emily (age 11), Kate (age 9) and Owen (age 6).   “I never knew I was a dog person,” Reeter said, but noted the family is complete with Murphy, a yellow lab.

--Ivone De Jesus

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