April 24, 2013

Mary Berta is APAC’s New Secretary

Mary Berta
By Lucia Gonzalez
MARY BERTA, who has worked at UIC for almost 20 years, has been appointed as the new APAC Secretary.
BERTA WORKED fora 12 years in the University Library and has been in the Department of Occupational Therapy in the College of Applied Health Sciences for over seven years, serving as Assistant to the Head. She has always worked in the areas of finance, human resources, and grants management.

“I REALLY like the variety of duties and being able to work with so many different people,” Berta said. “I enjoy helping people do their jobs whether it’s assisting with a grant proposal, hiring new employees, ordering equipment, or paying consultants. No two days are alike and that’s what keeps things interesting.”
LAST FALL, Berta started attending a few APAC meetings and realized that she really liked what APAC was doing and wanted to join to help the committee in whatever way she could. “It’s a great group of people,” Berta said. “Everyone is very engaged in representing Academic Professionals on campus and everyone really cares about UIC.”

CURRENTLY, THE role of the secretary is being revised, with an assistant now taking meeting minutes, freeing Berta up for other duties. Berta is active in general APAC and APAC Executive Committee meetings. “I would like to be involved in outreach,” Berta explained, “bringing in more APAC members and working with other organizations on campus, as well as helping to organize events. There are other organizations on campus that have the same concerns that APAC does and it would be great to collaborate with them on events that are important to all UIC employees.” She also is a voice for the Applied Health Sciences College on APAC.

“I HOPE to bring some ideas to the group about enhancing the work experience for employees and contributing to the University mission,” Berta concluded.

FOR MORE information, contact Berta at mberta@uic.edu.

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